Wednesday, June 2, 2010

No Fun at Starbucks Today

Well...we tried to have our first meeting together at Starbuck's, but quickly learned that you have to PAY to use the Internet at Starbuck's. The "old ladies" did not know this, so we relocated to the lovely Rock Springs Media Center where we viewed some blogs by other teachers and began our blog pages. I enjoyed reading the blogs from elementary classes, but still wonder about privacy issues and parent permission for their children's photos to be posted. Guess I will have to do some more research on this issue...

Why Web 2.0?

Web 2.0 sounds really great for teaching, but after talking with other elementary teachers, will it be something that is practical for us? Privacy issues are a concern. I wonder how other schools handle this? Will the county include permission forms for web use also? However, I am interested in learning to blog and using it as a new form of communication.